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Trigger the reveal

Set the reveal_hidden parameter to false to trigger the reveal.

Example payload
"reveal_hidden": false,
Example response
"default_item_type_id": null,
"deployment": {
"address": null,
"capabilities": [],
"network_id": null,
"symbol": "ABC",
"token_id_assignment_strategy": "AUTOMATIC",
"token_type": "ERC721",
"transaction_id": "a2556a16-bd64-4afd-bdbc-e8354d27169f"
"functions_enabled": false,
"id": "cba8a297-0f8b-43ee-8481-83669393d874",
"image_url": null,
"name": "Collection ABC",
"royalty_info": null,
"reveal_strategy": "DELAYED",
"reveal_hidden": false

Request will return an error response if the following:

  • Collection reveal strategy is not DELAYED.
  • Collection preview metadata has not been created yet.
  • No items have been minted yet.
  • Reveal has already been trigger once before.