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Email claims

The Phosphor platform supports sending an NFT to an email address. In this way, the recipient of the NFT is not required to have a wallet ahead of time, and can create one as part of the claim flow.

When sending email claims, the platform allows you to use your own email provider via integrations with popular SaaS email providers. This means you can send emails from your own domain and reach your buyers with a coherent voice. Currently, the platform supports Mailgun, Amazon SES, and custom SMTP server providers such as Gmail, iCloud, and Outlook.

Gas fees can be paid by either the buyer redeeming the claim, or the seller (in this case, you) creating the claim. The following table describes the course of action by each transaction payer.

Transaction payerAction
SELLERBased on the minted state of the item, either the transfer or mint is paid for by your account balance. This is the default state.
BUYERThe collection token contract must be compatible with the MINT_VOUCHER capability. A mint voucher is returned as part of the /email-claims/<SafeString:claim_token>/redeem response. The user can then call the collection token contract and mint their NFTs.

Email templates

The Phosphor platform provides customizable email templates to notify your buyer during the claim process. All templates are configurable using HTML via our Dashboard or API calls to the email-templates endpoints.

The email templates are rendered using handlebars v3 style templates. You can customize multiple versions of email templates through managing email campaigns.

Claim flow

The basic flow for the email claims has three different actors:

  • API consumer - Any process or actor that can make REST requests to either the public and/or private API's.
  • Private API - Contains all the private API endpoints.
  • Public API - Contains all public API endpoints accessible to the public.

The flow is as follows:

  1. API Consumer sends a POST to the private email-claims endpoint.
  2. Private API responds with a 201 after sending an email with a secret claim token.
  3. API Consumer sends a GET to the public /email-claims/<claim_token>/verify endpoint.
  4. Public API responds with the claim details that match the claim token.
  5. API Consumer sends a POST to the public email-claims/<claim_token>/redeem endpoint.
  6. Public API responds by sending back a 201 to indicate that the NFT has been minted/transferred or returns a mint voucher as part of the response.