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Edit an allow list

Once you have created a listing with either an ALLOW_LIST or LARGE_ALLOW_LIST type, you may want to change who is eligible by editing these lists.

Edit an allow list using the dedicated allow-list endpoint

The best way to edit an allow list is to use the dedicated allow-list endpoint. This supports both ALLOW_LIST and LARGE_ALLOW_LIST policy types.

Issue a request to add/remove entries from the allow list:

Example payload
"action": "ADD",
"eth_addresses": ["0x1111111111111111111111111111111111111111"],
"email_addresses": ["", ""]

Edit an allow list for an ALLOW_LIST listing


This method is deprecated and you should prefer using the dedicated endpoint.

You can issue a PATCH request to change the addresses. Note that this will replace all existing addresses, so you must use caution to ensure you do not accidentally delete addresses.

Example payload
"policy": {
"type": "ALLOW_LIST",
"eth_addresses": ["0x1111111111111111111111111111111111111111"],
"email_addresses": ["", ""]

Note you are limited to 1000 entries in the eth_addresses and email_addresses list. If you need more, use the LARGE_ALLOW_LIST type instead.